Recycle easy and focus on your business
Shops, Restaurants, Offices, Schools and more
Make your choice count
A better way to do business means including sustainability on the agenda.
Higher refund
Lower fixed rate of $3.5 per bag deduction. One of the best rate+reliable+efficient
Impact report
Receive credit + an impact report in your RECAN account within 24 hrs, donate to a local cause or redeem an online-gift voucher
A minimum of three RECAN bags are required when you book. Also, a minimum once a month pick-up is required.
What is RECAN bag?
Contamination Free
One of the best ways to minimise contamination during collection is by having a dedicated RECAN bag or/and RECAN bin 80
Easy & Convenient
High visibility and convenience. RECAN bags or RECAN Bin 80 are both durable, light, fit-for-purpose.
RECAN bags ensure safety and correct handling for our community drivers while preventing potential mix-up at local depots